Large Nose Compact with 8mm Ball and Short Preset
Aiming Adjusters
Part Number: 25839
Compact Plus adjusters are designed and manufactured to enable precise and consistent aiming of automotive lamp assemblies. Our Compact Plus adjusters ensure proper beam positioning and cut-off, helping customers meet legal aim requirements and specifications.
Manual aiming of headlamps, fog lamps, radar and lidar systems.
- Sealed Modular system
- Clutching at ends of travel to prevent overaiming
- 1/4 turn assembly installation
- Large nose 3-lug configuration available
- 8mm ball with undercut
- Preset: 26.13mm
- Travel from standard preset: +/-5.0 mm
- 1.0 mm travel per input shaft revolution
- Input drive: Cross Recess w/ 6mm Internal Hex
- 1.5 Nm Max peak adjusting torque
- 1.7 Nm failure torque for plastic input drive
- 1.5 Nm Max clutching torque
- Meets torque requirements after 10 cycles of +/- 5.0 mm of adjustment
- End play of ball stud < 0.2 mm under 13N load in direction of screw axis
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